Things have been staying really busy here.
It’s almost funny how different and varied the tasks are that we do from week to week! Last week we were focused on construction projects and CBCC visits, and this week we’ve been focusing on the health of our kids and starting some art projects.
We were finally able to finish the bunk bed project last weekend! We had some of the older boys in our community program learn from the carpenter. They were so excited to learn! We’re really happy with how they turned out and are excited to start preparing for possible new residential children at Esther’s House. =)
It’s almost funny how different and varied the tasks are that we do from week to week! Last week we were focused on construction projects and CBCC visits, and this week we’ve been focusing on the health of our kids and starting some art projects.
We were finally able to finish the bunk bed project last weekend! We had some of the older boys in our community program learn from the carpenter. They were so excited to learn! We’re really happy with how they turned out and are excited to start preparing for possible new residential children at Esther’s House. =)

Two of four finished bunk beds

John learning how to use a saw
This week we started putting some Bible verses on the walls around Esther’s House campus. It really is amazing to see the difference that a little art can make. We used a projector (hooked up to a generator) to put the scriptures up on the wall and penciled them in that way. I started painting them in today—I had forgotten how difficult it is to paint straight lines on bumpy cement walls, but I’m excited about what the finished product will look like! I’ll post pictures once everything’s done.
Patuma playing with my paint; I think she'll be an artist someday ;)
Our kids have had a variety of different illnesses lately. It’s been an incredible experience to see them up close and to be able to help the children. I’ve been communicating with Dr. Allan Martin in the U.S concerning how I should go about treating things like scabies, bilharzia, tropical sores, abscesses, and fungal infections (just to name a few) . I’ve actually been using the camera on my iPhone to take pictures of all the different rashes and sores I see and have been sending them to Dr. Martin. I think I have more pictures of sores on my phone than I do of children ;)
Wisdom is a 7-year-old in our community-based program. He came to Esther’s House last week and we found that his entire face, neck, shoulder, chest, and arm areas were covered in a bumpy, itchy, rash! Leave it to a kid to not bring this to our attention until he’s unbearably uncomfortable! After speaking with Dr. Martin, we found out that it’s scabies (might want to google that if you don’t know what that is…it definitely made Alyssa and I paranoid about having it ourselves for a few days!). After speaking with Dr. Martin and getting Wisdom the proper treatment his skin cleared up in about a week. We went to his home in Madzanje to speak with his guardian and to bring her laundry detergent so that she could wash the bedding and clothes of Wisdom and everyone who lives in their home. Dr. Martin is a great teacher, and his instruction helped me explain to the guardian how to prevent scabies from returning to their home.
Wisdom is a 7-year-old in our community-based program. He came to Esther’s House last week and we found that his entire face, neck, shoulder, chest, and arm areas were covered in a bumpy, itchy, rash! Leave it to a kid to not bring this to our attention until he’s unbearably uncomfortable! After speaking with Dr. Martin, we found out that it’s scabies (might want to google that if you don’t know what that is…it definitely made Alyssa and I paranoid about having it ourselves for a few days!). After speaking with Dr. Martin and getting Wisdom the proper treatment his skin cleared up in about a week. We went to his home in Madzanje to speak with his guardian and to bring her laundry detergent so that she could wash the bedding and clothes of Wisdom and everyone who lives in their home. Dr. Martin is a great teacher, and his instruction helped me explain to the guardian how to prevent scabies from returning to their home.
Wisdom's scabies rash
Today we treated 10 children who have tropical sores on their legs and feet. It’s usually caused by standing in stagnant water. At the risk of scaring people away from this blog, I won’t post any of the dozens of pictures I have on my iPhone of them. I’m incredibly glad that we have the means to help these children, and I hope opportunities to do so come up during my time here.
It's been a little hot lately--a whole bag of crayons melted the other day
We’ve been having a lot of power outages lately. Last month it was once or twice a week for a few hours; lately it’s been once or twice a day for 6 to 24 hours. It hasn’t really been a problem—just kind of annoying. The only minor inconvenience is not having a fan. I can go without Facebook and the Internet, but not a fan! It has been incredibly hot here, and it’s difficult to sleep without one. Not to sound too much like a girl, but I don’t really enjoy being sweaty, dirty and smelly! Unfortunately, those are probably the 3 words that describe me the best right now. It doesn’t help that we don’t have running water at the house right now, so there isn’t really a good way to clean off the dirt at the end of the day. I had a full day today at Esther’s House, and by the end of it I was sitting on the classroom porch, taking a break before heading back to town. Patuma sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder. She looked up at me and just smiled. We sat there in silence together for awhile. Moments like that make the inconveniences more than worth it.
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