It's a good kind of tired though! Whenever Alyssa and I aren't working on something, we spend as much time with the kids as we can. "Girigisha," which means "tickle" in Chichewa, is the the second most used word lately. We play a lot of games of tag (I'm always "it"), and they think it's hilarious to be tickled when they're caught. The only way I can get a break from chasing them around the Esther's House campus is by telling them "Ndatopa!" They've taught me how to play a game that's similar to jacks only they use small pebbles. I'm not very good at it, and it's kind of humbling to be beaten by a bunch of 5-year-olds! They're very supportive and are always really excited when I finally catch a few pebbles. =)
Alyssa and I have been working on a few new projects! A donation was made for school supplies for Esther's House, and from that we received posters for our classroom. It's amazing the difference a few posters can make!

Jailosi, an Esther's House staff member, built a shelf for the teacher's materials and we are working on having cabinets built for the classroom that will hold all of our library materials and art supplies. I've already found our 1st graders in the classroom using the poster above the chalkboard to practice writing the alphabet on more than one occasion! =)
On Saturday we had a tailor come out to Esther's House to measure all of our 60+ children for 2 sets of school uniforms. It'll be a lot of clothes for the tailor to make, but we're looking forward to getting those to the kids sometime next month!
In preparation for potential new children, we are having more bunk beds built for our dorms.
An important aspect of the Esther's House orphan care program is teaching the kids skills that they will be able to take with them once they leave the program. The carpenter will be making the bunk beds on the EH campus so that some of our older kids can learn carpentry skills. We are also planning on having the tailor work at EH so that the children can help!
A project that Alyssa and I finally got done today was cleaning out our residential children's clothing. We were not looking forward to it because we expected that it would make the kids unhappy, but it actually went really well! We want the children to learn how to take good care of their things, so we minimized their wardrobe. We laid out all of the clothes and let them pick out their favorite outfits, and we put the rest into storage in preparation for possible new children.

The smaller piles are the clothes that they took back to their rooms, while the huge pile on the left was all of the excess clothing!
After cleaning out their closets, we had everyone over to our house to watch The Lion King and have popcorn, Sobo, and cookies. It was incredibly fun!! It also happened to be the birthday of Joshua, our house parent!

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